Monday 21 October 2013

My Reminiscences of a Treasure Hunt

Years before, or I think I should say decades before, ours was a rich family. In those ancient days when the feudalism was still prevailing, our family had vast agricultural lands and many people used to work on those lands. No doubt, our ancestors might have made good money on those days when the law of the land was the words of feudal lords. They might have enjoyed the life too very much as they were the undisputed kings of the region.

Feudalism in India

As the time passed, the generations became lazy and started living on the wealth accumulated by the ancestors. They neglected agriculture which was the main source of income for the family. The lands that left uncultivated turned venues for their unholy practices. With the power they still possessed they could make the life of common man miserable. They forgot the truth that they cannot multiply the money without putting a bit of hard work. Slowly they got exhausted with the stock of money.
The long gap from the work took its toll as they forgot how to cultivate. However they have not worried much about it as they got somebody to do the work for them. They leased out the land to those who worked hard on their farms and produced gold out of it. At the same time our ancestors were quite happy with the lease amount they receive regularly. They spent the whole day on the easy chair placed in the courtyard and nights in the huts of hapless slaves. They got acquainted with a new lifestyle which earned them money without much hard work.
As the time passed, several social reforms occurred and the agricultural lands have gone to who cultivate there in real. Family lost acres of land in the land reforms bill introduced by the newly appointed communist government and thus lost the income from those lands. Nobody knows to work as all of them spend the life on easy chairs.  There were many valuable jewelry and utensils in our house which all have been amassed by our ancestors. One by one start going out of the house for a price. Thus the old days have returned for quite some time. But there is a limit. As we got exhausted with valuable articles, the same repression period returned. 
Traditional Utensils of Kerala

However, there was an easy solution for all problems if you are lazy. Solution has been found immediately and the same was to sell pieces of lands that still rest with us. Time and tide did not wait here too. The money raised from selling lands too got exhausted. Everybody was thinking hard about the next step to take. There is nothing more to sell other than the house where we stay. Nobody is still ready to go out and work hard to earn some money for the family. We need some easy solution. We all spent days together in discussing various strategies and ideas.
During that period one of my uncles had a dream that there is a huge amount of treasure hidden in our compound. The god who came in his dreams clearly told him that the treasure is located beneath a mango tree that was in the south west corner of the compound. We did not have time to lose. We all started digging work on the very next day. The first day has gone on cutting down the mango tree. The very next day we have started digging. After three or four day’s continuous work, the pickaxe touched on a metal surface. We all became more enthusiastic. Now we are very near to a good fortune. At last we found the treasure and now the remaining task is to remove the soil around it and to take it out. Our shovels worked fast in removing soil. By early morning next day we succeeded in bringing the treasure box outside the pit.  
It was a huge and heavy wooden box locked with three locks, but no keys were seen in the vicinity. We did not have patience to wait so we broke open the box. To our utter shock, there was no treasure inside that, but there was a walking stick. Just beneath the walking stick there was a bunch of palm leaves. Such leaves were used in the ancient days to write scriptures. 

“Yes, here it is. The exact way to treasure will be mentioned in that leaves.” Shouted my eldest uncle, who was the head of the family. He took both the leaves bunch and the walking stick in his hands and started looking at the bunch of leaves closely. AS it was fully covered with dust, nothing was visible. He wiped the leaves with his hand kerchief and then started staring. There was something written on that, but he could not read it fully as it was not clear. He rubbed a wet cloth on the leaf surface to remove the remaining dust too. That was a successful effort and this time the written scripture was very clear.
My eldest uncle read it out loudly.
“When the head of the family has to dig for the treasure accumulated by his ancestors, he is eligible for this walking stick. This is the right time to show him the way out, because if he continues here, the house itself will become somebody else’s.”
As soon as he finished reading, somebody handed over the walking stick to him. He had nothing more to say. Even without saying god bye, he started walking out of the compound. And we all heaved a euphoric sigh of relief.
And India was going for poll on that day.

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